For any enquiries please contact Miranda at or call +44 7771 824488

Miranda Parry

Miranda believes every click of the shutter is an opportunity to etch a piece of history in time. Just kidding!

Even after being in the industry for three decades, Miranda is a ball of energy. Loves a group shot, is bossy "enough" with a huge sense of humour. Takes work seriously, but not herself. Knows everyone and could write a page turner about the event industry. Been there, done it, got the hip replacement.

Clare McGregor

Clare has been working with Miranda for 17 years. Loved by clients, cares as if her life depends on her next shot, and completely oblivious that she’s one of the funniest people on the planet and an incredible photographer. Will only drink coffee served to her by an aloof bearded man in an apron. Also favours kale. 

Chris Athanasiou

Chris is a machine. Tell him to work until 3am and he’ll ask what needs doing next. Fiercely loyal, furry and head of IT to Miranda and Dean. You’ll want to adopt him but he had me at "Kalimera". 

Dean O'Brien

Meet the seasoned man with zero ego. Nothing fazes Dean, he's seen it all. A smile envied by Robert De Niro will have your heart melting into a puddle on the floor. Often spotted in dark corners discussing curios from the old days with Miranda, like "film" and "manners".

Pol Thomas

Based in Barcelona where we spend a lot of time. Pol is the bebé of the team which means he is a tech wizard. Videos, drones and snaps whilst constantly looking trendy. How? It's an art form.

Stu Kinghorn

Meet the James Bond of the video world. Found his way into filming via the medium of roller skating. Smooth as a Pinot Noir and favours a chino as crisp as a January morning. Edits too. Dark, funny and great to have onsite.

Mark McGregor

Our editor who enjoys five star living. Get him an iced latte (has to be artisan small batch - brother to Clare) and he’ll turn those images around in break neck speed so your socials are up to date before he takes the last slurp. Funny, very clever and washes his face in Evian.

Will Barber

A hybrid of Man / Golden Retriever, who responds well to obedience training.  Hard working, young at heart, will eat anything in his bowl, needs to run off excess energy, loves unconditionally and has a goofy demeanour. He’d make a great therapy dog. Whatever job Will is on, there’ll be heart warming moments in the storyline. Think “Lassie Come Home”

Harriet Gabbott

Operations Manager, and queen of logistics to the entire team.

Harriet is a walking hug to both humans and animals, oozing kindness from every pore. Seen onsite calmly dealing with a team of hyperactive photographers, keeping their heads screwed on, lint rolling their blacks so they’re in tip top condition to do what they do best.